Suggestions will show after typing in the search input. Use the up and down arrows to review. Use enter to select. If the selection is a phrase, that phrase will be submitted to search. If the suggestion is a link, the browser will navigate to that page.

Responding to a review

Honest reviews help Hosts and guests to grow and find the right fit in the future. But sometimes you may get one you disagree with. Here are some options if that happens. 

Respond to a recent review

You can post a public response to a review that someone has left for you. 

Respond to a recent review on desktop

  1. Click Profile > Reviews
  2. Click Reviews you’ve written
  3. Go to the review you'd like to respond to and click Leave public response
  4. Write your response and click Submit

Your response will be posted immediately, and you can’t edit it after that—so take your time and really think about what you want to say.

Requesting the removal of a review

While you can’t remove a review on your own, you can make a review removal request if you think it doesn’t follow our Reviews Policy.

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