Ratings and reviews for co-hosts
When guests leave a review after their trip, it'll show up on the listing page as well as the profile page of the listing owner.
How ratings and reviews apply to co-hosts
All guest reviews and ratings for a given reservation are reflected on the listing owner’s profile, but are not applied to the co-host directly. If a co-host is listed as the primary host of a reservation, their profile picture will be shown during the review process.
Ratings and reviews on the Co-Host Network
For co-hosts on the Co-Host Network, guest ratings and reviews are displayed on their co-host profile and in search results for homes they’ve supported, as a host, or co-host with full access or calendar and messaging access permissions.
Co-host profiles and search results on the Co-Host Network may also display category-specific ratings for the same homes, like the guest’s rating for ease of check-in. Learn more about ratings and reviews on the Co-Host Network.
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