Suggestions will show after typing in the search input. Use the up and down arrows to review. Use enter to select. If the selection is a phrase, that phrase will be submitted to search. If the suggestion is a link, the browser will navigate to that page.
How-to • Travel admin

How do I set up a team with a separate payment method for my company?

Travel admins can create teams of travelers (ex: departments, office locations) and assign a name and payment method to each team right from the Airbnb for Work dashboard. Travelers will then have the option to charge to that team when they book a work trip through Airbnb.

Adding or editing a team

To create a new team:

  1. Go to your Airbnb for Work dashboard
  2. Click People > Teams
  3. Click Create a team
  4. Add a team name and select a payment method for the team
  5. Click Save
  6. Click Add people and follow the instructions to add people to your new team

The team name you choose will be listed for travelers when they bill work trips to your company (ex: Charge to Sales, Charge to North America Office).

To add employees to a team:

  1. Go to your Airbnb for Work dashboard
  2. Click People > Teams
  3. Find the team you want to edit and click Add people
  4. You have two options for adding people to your team:
    • Click Copy to copy a unique invite link that you can share with your employees
    • Search for people who have already joined your company’s Airbnb for Work account

Once an employee accepts your invitation to join a team, you will receive a notification. Click the notifications icon in your dashboard to review all pending requests.

To edit an existing team’s payment info:

  1. Go to your Airbnb for Work dashboard
  2. Click People > Teams
  3. Click the team you want to edit
  4. Click Edit team > Change payment method
  5. Select an existing credit card or choose Add credit card
  6. Add payment details and click Save

You won't be able to switch from payment by credit card to monthly invoicing or vice versa. If you want to switch a team's payment type from credit card to monthly invoicing, you'll need to delete and re-create the team.

Deleting a team

To delete a team:

  1. Go to your Airbnb for Work dashboard
  2. Click People > Teams
  3. Click the team you want to delete
  4. Click Edit team > Delete team
  5. To confirm your decision, click Delete team
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