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Who is eligible for emergency stays through offers free or discounted temporary housing for people displaced by humanitarian crises. To do this, we work with nonprofit organizations and resettlement agencies that connect people to temporary housing, resources, and specialized support in times of crisis. We also provide access to free and discounted housing offered by the Airbnb host community.

Nonprofit partners work with guests to organize their stays doesn’t currently provide a direct intake process for individuals or accept funding requests from organizations. We share information about our upcoming grant cycle directly with eligible nonprofits. eligibility requirements

After we’ve verified eligibility of a nonprofit organization, referral organization, or service provider, guests may also be required to set up an Airbnb account, which may include verifying their identity.

Individuals who are eligible for our program may include:

  • People affected by major disasters, including relief workers responding to those disasters in an official capacity
  • Refugees, asylum seekers, Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders, and other newcomers

All guests and hosts who use the Airbnb platform to support or utilize’s programs must agree to Airbnb’s Community Standards and the Airbnb Terms of Service.

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