Monthly Discounts

on Airbnb
One in five nights booked on Airbnb is part of a monthly stay.*
Monthly discounts may help you entice guests to book longer stays.
Hosts who offer both shorter and longer-term stays are more likely to fill their calendars for the year.**
In 2022, based on internal Airbnb data, listings that were open to both long term (28 nights plus) and short term stays generated on average 45% more earnings than those that were short term exclusive.
“Offering a discount for longer stays is a great way to entice guests into booking… Monthly bookings tend to mean less turnover work for me too.”
Host Oliver of New York City

How to set a monthly discount on Airbnb

There are few ways you can set monthly discount

Single listing

Add monthly discount directly in each listing settings by going to Listings > Pricing and Availability > Discounts
Go to Listings page

Bulk-edit multiple listings

Add monthly discount on 2 or more of your listings in bulk by going to Listings and select all the listings you want to change > tap Edit and make the changes > save
Go to Listings page

Opportunities Tab

Navigate to Insights Tab and find ‘Offer Monthly Discount” opportunity which will show you all your listings that currently do not have monthly discount applied.
Go to Opportunities Tab

API connected software

If you are using a Channel Manager or PMS, please check with your software provider how to add a monthly discount to your listings. If they don’t provide this option you can add monthly discounts directly on Airbnb.

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Explore hosting resources

Fewer guests booking more nights can simplify hosting and supply steady income.
How you’ll get paid for bookings of more than 28 nights.
This checklist of reminders can help you prep your space.
Amenities like fast wifi and a dedicated workspace can attract guests.
Thoughtfully prepare your space and update your listing to widen your audience.
Follow these tips to have an impact on your guests and reviews.
*Based on internal Airbnb global data, stays of 28 nights or more accounted for 21% of nights booked in 2022 and 18% of nights booked in the first three months of 2023.

**Based on internal global Airbnb data collected from December 31, 2021 to December 31, 2022.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.