Getting Ready for Your Photoshoot

This simple guide will help you prepare prior to the photographer's arrival.
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A Host shows a pro photographer the home. The photographer carries their gear in to photograph the home.

What to expect

Our goal is to deliver a seamless professional photography experience. A freelance photographer trained on Airbnb quality guidelines will take photos of your listing. After the photoshoot, a team of professional editors will enhance the photo quality.
A screenshot of a chatbot found in Elevate. It assists hosts with questions they have, and helps them find the answers they need.

Have questions?

Using Chatbot is the most efficient way to get fast answers. For this reason, we suggest always starting here.

Where to find it
  • A black circle in the bottom right corner of Elevate.
  • It will appear the first time you log into Elevate.
  • When it does, give it a try!
How it works
  • Type into the grey box to ask questions and it will provide you with resources, answers, or suggestions moving forward.
  • When referring to a listing, be sure to include the listing ID.