Having trouble logging in? Forgot your password? We’ve all been there. Find out how to reset or change your password.
You'll be emailed a link to reset your password.
If you created an Airbnb account by connecting to Facebook, Google, Apple, or using your phone number, you weren’t required to create a password.
If you’d like to create a password to log in directly, simply log out of your account and follow the steps for resetting your password. Even though you don’t yet have a password, going through the reset process will create a temporary password that allows you to create a permanent one.
If you’ve requested the reset link more than once, make sure you’re using the right email address. If you’re not sure which email address you used, try searching your email inbox for previous Airbnb messages. If you don’t find any, you may need to try another email address.
You may also need to disable your email service’s link preview (ex: Outlook) or mail-scanner feature, which could cause the link to expire before you open it.
If you know your current password, and you want to change it, here's how: