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How-to • Guest

Find your refund amount before or after canceling

In most cases, your refund amount depends on your Host’s cancellation policy and when you cancel. Find your refund amount before or after canceling your stay or canceling your Experience.

Find your refund amount before canceling

Find your refund amount before canceling on desktop

  1. Click Trips and select the reservation you want to check
  2. Under Reservation details, click Cancel reservation
  3. Review for a detailed breakdown of your refund amount

Keep in mind: Your refund amount may change as your check-in date nears. If you don’t cancel right away, be sure to check the refund amount before canceling.

Find your refund amount after you’ve canceled

Find your refund amount after you've canceled on desktop

  1. Click Account > Payments & payoutsYour payments
  2. Click your canceled trip (showing Refunded)
  3. Under Refund status, go to Details to review your refund amount

You can also review the cancellation confirmation email for your reservation to find any refund amount.

How long refunds take

Eligible refunds are initiated by Airbnb as soon as you cancel the reservation, but how long it takes for you to receive the money depends on your bank or financial institution. Find the average refund timelines.

When you may be entitled to a refund outside of your Host’s cancellation policy

You may be entitled to a full refund or one larger than the standard refund of your Host’s cancellation policy if:

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