Contacting Hosts is as simple as sending them a quick message on Airbnb to let them know you’re interested in their place or experience.
For your safety and privacy, guests and Hosts only receive each other's phone numbers after a reservation is confirmed. Learn more about why it’s good to keep communication and transactions on Airbnb.
You can check out the listing and click or tap Contact Host to send a message. Pro tip: If you want to ask about specific reservation details, enter the dates and number of guests for your trip before hitting Contact Host (you won’t be able to send a message unless you have dates selected).
If you have an accepted reservation or confirmed experience, you can reach the Host by going to Trips, finding the reservation, and contacting the Host from there. If you have any co-travelers, you can invite them to join the reservation.
Need to follow up with a Host post-trip? You can send a message to your Host via your Inbox.
If you have any payment issues that you need to resolve, you can do so in the Resolution Center.
Note: You can send 25 messages per day or 10 messages per hour. Only you, and not your additional guests, can message Hosts through your message thread.